
SAP日常操作运维(SAP Basis)




1. SU01—创建,修改,显示用户信息(用户维护)

2. SU10—批量修改用户

3. PFCG—创建,修改,显示角色信息(角色维护)

4. SU53—权限检查

5. SU21—创建,修改,显示权限类,对象

6. SU20—创建,修改,显示权限字段

7. SU22—缺省数据维护(SAP)事务代码的授权对象


1. SCC4—创建,修改,显示集团(客户管理)

2. SCCL—局部集团复制

3. SCC1—系统内传输(拷贝)单个传输请求(集团拷贝-特定选择)

4. SCC5—删除集团

5. SCC3—集团复制日志


1. DB13—数据库日常维护计划日历

2. DB02—数据库表和索引的监控

3. DB12—数据库管理备份日志


1. SM36—计划后台作业

2. SM37—作业选择概览


1. SPAD—假脱机管理

2. SP01—输出请求的管理(输出控制器)


1. ST06—操作系统性能监视器

2. ST03—工作负载和性能统计

3. SM04—当前用户登录到AS实例(服务器相关)

4. AL08—登录的当前用户(服务器无关)

5. SM21—系统日志(服务器相关)

6. SM51—已启动AS实例概览

7. SM50—AS实例的进程概览

8. SM12—显示并删除锁管理

9. SM13—管理更新记录

10. ST22—ABAP转存储分析

11. SM20—安全审计

12. SM66——查看SAP进程(全局工作进程概览)

13. SM21——系统日志


1. SE09—传输请求管理改变请求,改变任务,释放(传输组织器)

2. STMS—传输管理、集团策略、系统内传输、跨系统传输、传输队列(传输管理系统)






5. RZ11—参数文件参数维护


1. 启动日志:/home/<SID>adm

2. 进程日志:/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work

3. 传输日志:/usr/sap/trans/log/

4. 数据库日志:oracle目录/oracle//saptrace/background


sap basis是从事sap系统管理的一个角色。主要负责sap系统的规划,安装,配置,管理,监控,维护,调优等。 sap basis从具体工作内容的偏向角度,可以分为实施和运维。实施偏向规划,安装,配置等;运维偏向管理,监控,维护等;调优是需要综合考量的,往往更偏向于实施,但并不是绝对。 一般而言,对于sap basis实施的顾问要求应该高于运维。实施规划安装配置了系统,理论上还应该交付大量文档,也就是说定了大局,运维主要是在这个大局已定的前提下做好日常工作,有点萧规曹随的意味。但是并不代表着实施就一定在所有方向上都比运维专业,因为各自的领域有所偏差。同时,有一点很重要,就是数据的安全,所以,数据库备份和还原是需要认真掌握的。


SAP Basis的一些日常工作包括用户权限管理、集团管理、数据库管理、后台作业、打印管理、系统监控、传输管理等。


1. SU01—创建,修改,显示用户信息



2. SU10—批量修改用户

3. PFCG—创建,修改,显示角色信息

4. SU53—权限检查

5. SU21—创建,修改,显示权限类,对象

6. SU20—创建,修改,显示权限字段

7. SU22—维护事务代码的授权对象


1. SCC4—创建,修改,显示集团

2. SCCL—拷贝集团

3. SCC1—系统内传输(拷贝)单个传输请求

4. SCC5—删除集团

5. SCC3—集团操作日志

SCC3 (客户端复制/传输日志分析)


1. DB13—数据库日常维护日历


2. DB02—数据库表和索引的监控

监控数据库的扩长。 监控表和索引的扩长及碎片的情况。 如有必要监控数据库的优化统计。

3. DB12—数据备份日志

检查夜间备份是否成功。 检查日志目录的剩余空间。

4. BRTOOLS—操作系统上的数据库管理工具


1. SM36—定义后台作业

2. SM37—监控后台作业

管理员应该检查所有被取消的工作,如有必要分析并修正这些工作。问题及其解决方案需记录在案。 管理器应该检查所有的日志,包括输出列表


1. SPAD—定义打印设备

2. SP01—假脱机请求和输出请求的管理

SP01 (打印)
如果不能打印在这里可以可以查看有没有假脱机需求,有的话可以在这里删除,失败的打印任务可以从新启动。这些打印任务的失败往往是用户端的问题(如PC上的SAPLPD程序被关闭了)。由于SAP 系统仅跟踪打印任务到目标队列中,输出控制器中的已经完成的状态并不能表明实际打印成功,因此那些比较重要和大量的打印任务在被从TemSe中删除前必须先确认是否完成。


1. ST06—操作系统性能

每天察看ST06用以掌握系统运行过程中整个操作系统资源状况,如CPU 使用率,内存使用率,PAGE SPACE 使用率等等。

2. ST03—R/3工作负载

世上没有经验的替代品。当需要调SAP 系统的性能的时候是很痛苦的事情。管理员应该保留尽可能多的工作量分析数据,特别是系统没用性能问题时候的数据。拥有一副系统工作正常时的清晰的系统图,将使你具有对你的系统的不可估量的感觉,这种感觉将使你能预见到将要发生的问题,并且很多时候可以避免问题的发生。

3. SM04—当前用户(服务器相关)


4. AL08—当前用户(服务器无关)

5. SM21—系统日志(服务器相关)

SAP 服务器在系统日志中记录系统的事件和问题。所有的警告和错误信息应被分析和解决。此程序应包括将问题及其解决方案做成文档。

6. SM51—R/3服务器概览

SM51,查看服务器 :
SAP 服务器的列表可用SM51显示,管理员用它来监视不同服务器之间的工作进程。想要显示某一服务器的进程,鼠标指针点中服务器的名称,然后选Processes。

7. SM50—R/3服务器进程概览

SM50 (查看SAP有些进程,然后可以kill掉, 在root就可以)

8. SM12—锁管理


9. SM13—更新记录


10. ST22—ABAP短存储

当一个报表或事务因为严重的错误而停止工作时,ABAP/4开发工作台就会发出一个“突然出错”(short dump)。系统在系统日志中记录错误信息,并在表SNAP中记录程序终止时的出错信息。管理员需要每天检查是否有short dump 出现,如果有则分析并试图解决问题。

11. SM20—安全审计

12. SM66——查看SAP进程


13. SM21——系统日日志

SAP 服务器在系统日志中记录系统的事件和问题。所有的警告和错误信息应被分析和解决。此程序应包括将问题及其解决方案做成文档。


1. SE09—传输请求管理改变请求,改变任务,释放

2. STMS—传输管理、集团策略、系统内传输、跨系统传输、传输队列






5. RZ11—参数查询


1. 启动日志:/home/<SID>adm

2. 进程日志:/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work

3. 传输日志:/usr/sap/trans/log/

4. 数据库日志:oracle目录/oracle//saptrace/background


SLICENSE or SLIC —— 激活SAP license。

SE16 —— 显示SAP数据表

SE38 —— 运行ABAP程序

SHDB —— 跟踪一个事务码所操作的SAP表名

RZ10 —— 配置SAP参数文件,修改完成后需重启实例。

RZ11 —— 修改运行中实例的参数,修改完马上生效,不用重启实例。重启实例,参数修改失效。

SICK —— SAP系统一致性检查。

STMS —— 创建传输管理系统

SMLT —— 导入语言包

SGEN —— 编译SAP对象,使客户在访问SAP对象时不用编译,提高服务器的响应速度。

SM02 —— 创建系统消息。创建时需填上消息正文,还有服务器名和客户名,当客户栏不填或填“*”号时,保存后就可把该消息马上发给所有登录的用户,当其它用户新登录系统时也会显示。

SM04 —— 显示在线用户会话

SM12 —— 显示与解锁由用户锁定的表

SM21 —— 显示系统日志

SM50 —— 显示工作进程

SM51 —— 显示SAP实例

SM59 —— 维护RFC

SPAM —— 支持包管理工具

SCC4 —— 建立一个client(集团)

SCCL —— client本地复制

SCC3 —— 显示client复制日志

SCAT —— 记录事务和函数功能,可进行数据批量导入。


T Codes Meaning
AL01  SAP Alert Monitor
AL02  Database alert monitor
AL03  Operating system alert monitor
AL04  Monitor call distribution
AL05  Monitor current workload
AL06  Performance: Upload/Download
AL07  EarlyWatch Report
AL08  Users Logged On
AL09  Data for database expertise
AL10  Download to Early Watch
AL11  Display SAP Directories
AL12  Display table buffer (Exp. session)
AL13  Display Shared Memory (Expert mode)
AL15  Customize SAPOSCOL destination
AL16  Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst.
AL17  Remote Alert Monitor for Operat. Syst.
AL18  Local File System Monitor
AL19  Remote File System Monitor
AL20  EarlyWatch Data Collector List
AL21  ABAP Program analysis
AL22  Dependent objects display
CREF  Cross-reference
BSVW  Linkage Status Update-Workflow Event
CMOD  Enhancements
DB01  Analyze exclusive lock waits
DB02  Analyze tables and indexes
DB03  Parameter changes in database
DB11  Early Watch Profile Maintenance
DB12  Overview of Backup Logs
DB13  Database administration calendar
DB14  Show SAPDBA Action Logs
DB15  Data Archiving: Database Tables
DB16  DB System Check: Monitor
DB17  DB System Check: Configuration
DMIG  Start Transaction for Data Migration
DB2   Select Database Activities
DB20  DB Cost-Based Optimizer: Tab. Stats
DB21  DB Cost-Based Optimizer: Config.
DB24  Database Operations Monitor
DB26  DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration
DB2J  Manage JCL jobs for OS/390
DBCO  Database Connection Maintenance
FILE  Cross-Client File Names/Paths
NACE  WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen
OAA1  SAP ArchiveLink: Maint.user st.syst
OAA3  SAP ArchiveLink protocols
OAA4  SAP ArchiveLink applic.maintenance
OAAD  ArchiveLink Administration Documents
OAC2  SAP ArchiveLink: Globaldoc. types
OAC5  SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code entry
OACA  SAP ArchiveLink workflow parameters
OAD0  SAP ArchiveLink: Objectlinks
OAD2  SAP ArchiveLink document classes
OAD3  SAP ArchiveLink: Link tables
OAD4  SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types
OAD5  SAP ArchiveLink: Customizing Wizard
OADR  SAP ArchiveLink: Print list search
OAM1  SAP ArchiveLink: Monitoring
OAOR  SAP ArchiveLink: Storeddocuments
OARE  SAP ArchiveLink:St.syst.return codes
OS01  LAN check with ping
OS03  O/S Parameter changes
OS04  Local System Configuration
OS05  Remote System Cconfiguration
OS06  Local Operating System Activity
OS07  Remote Operating SystemActivity
OSS1  Logon to Online ServiceSystem
OY18  Table history
OY08  Development Class Overview
PFCG  Activity Group
PFUD  Authorization Profile comparison
RLOG  Data migration logging
RZ01  Job Scheduling Monitor
RZ02  Network Graphics for SAP Instances
RZ03  Presentation, Control SAP Instances
RZ04  Maintain SAP Instances
RZ06  Alerts Thresholds Maintenance
RZ08  SAP Alert Monitor
RZ10  Maintenance of profile parameters
RZ11  Profile parameter maintenance
RZ12  Maintain RFC Server Group Assignment
RZ20  CCMS Monitoring
RZ21  Customize CCMS Alert Monitor
SA38  ABAP/4 Reporting
SAD0  Address Management call
SADC  Address: Maint. communication types
SALE  Display ALE Customizing
SAINT Plug-in Installation
SARI  Archive Information System
SAR3  Customizing Archiving
SAR4  Define Archiving Class
SAR5  Assign Archiving Class
SAR6  Archiving Time Generator
SARA  Archive management
SARL  Call of ArchiveLink Monitor
SARP  Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute
SART  Display Reporting Tree
SB01  Business Navigator – Component View
SB02  Business Navigator – Process flow vw
SBAS  Assignments to Process Model Elemts
SC38  Start Report Immediately
SCAT  Computer Aided Test Tool
SCC0  Client Copy
SCC1  Client Copy – Special Selections
SCC2  Client transport
SCC3  Client Copy Log
SCC4  Client administration
SCC5  Client Delete
SCC6  Client Import
SCC7  Client Import – Post Processing
SCC8  Client Export
SCC9  Remote Client Copy
SCCL  Local Client Copy
SCDO  Display Change DocumentObjects
SCMP  View / Table Comparison
SCOM  SAPcomm: Configuration
SCON  SAPconnect – Administration
SCPF  Generate enterprise IMG
SCPR1 Customizing Profiles : Maintenance Tool
SCPR2 Comparing Customizing profiles
SCUA  Central User Administration : Distribution Model Assigment
SCUG  Central User Administration Structure Display
SCUM  Central User Administration Field Selection
SCU0  Table Analyses And Comparison
SCU1  Table Comparison – Export to Tape
SCU2  Table Comparison Against Tape
SCU3  Table History
SD11  Data Modeler
SDBE  Explain an SQL Statement
SECR  Audit Information System
SE01  Transport and Correction System
SE02  Environment Analyzer
SE03  Transport Utilities
SE06  Set up Workbench Organizer
SE07  Transport System Status Display
SE09  Workbench Organizer (Initial Screen)
SE10  Customizing Organizer
SE11  Data Dictionary Maintenance
SE12  Data Dictionary Display
SE13  Maintain Technical Settings (Tables)
SE14  Convert Data Dictionary tables on Database Level
SE15  Repository Info System
SE16  Display Table Content
SE17  Generate Table Display
SE30  ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis
SE32  ABAP Text Element Maintenance
SE33  Context Builder
SE35  ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36  Logical databases
SE37  ABAP Function Modules
SE38  ABAP Editor
SE39  Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare
SE40  MP: Standards Maint. and Translation
SE41  Menu Painter
SE43  Maintain Area Menu
SE51  Screen Painter
SE52  Parameterized screenpainter call
SE54  Generate table view
SE55  Internal table view maintenance call
SE56  internal call: display table view
SE57  internal delete table view call
SE61  R/3 Documentation
SE62  Industry Utilities
SE63  Translation: Initial Screen
SE71  SAPscript form
SE72  SAPscript Styles
SE73  SAPscript font maintenance (revised)
SE74  SAPscript format conversion
SE75  SAPscript Settings
SE76  SAPscript: Form Translation
SE77  SAPscript Translation Styles
SE78  SAPscript: Graphics administration
SE80  Object Navigator
SE81  Application Hierarchy
SE82  Application Hierarchy
SE84  R/3 Repository Information System
SE85  ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE86  ABAP Repository Information System
SE88  Development Coordination Info System
SE89  Maintain Trees in Information System
SE91  Maintain Messages
SE92  New SysLog Msg Maintenance as of 46A
SE93  Maintain Transaction Codes
SE94  Customer enhancement simulation
SE95  Modification Browser
SEPS  SAP Electronic Parcel Service
SERP  Reporting: Change Tree Structure
SEU   Repository Browser
SF01  Client-Specific File Names
SFAW  Field Selection Maintenance
SIAC1 Web Object Administration
SHDB  Record Batch Input
SICK  Installation Check
SINA  SAPBPT: Maintain Standard Config.
SLG0  Application Log: ObjectMaintenance
SLIN  ABAP: Extended Program Check
SM01  Lock Transactions
SM02  System Messages
SM04  User Overview
SM12  Display and Delete Locks
SM13  Display Update Records
SM14  Update Program Administration
SM21  System log
SM23  System Log Analysis
SM28  Installation Check
SM29  Model Transfer for Tables
SM30  Call Up View Maintenance
SM31  Table maintenance
SM31_OLD  Old Table Maintenance
SM32  Maintain Table Parameter ID TAB
SM33  Display Table ParameterID TAB
SM34  Viewcluster maintenancecall
SM35  Batch Input Monitoring
SM36  Batch request
SM37  Background job overview
SM38  Queue Maintenance Transaction
SM39  Job analysis
SM49  Execute Logical Commands
SM50  Work Process Overview
SM51  List of SAP Servers
SM54  TXCOM maintenance
SM55  THOST maintenance
SM56  Number Range Buffer
SM58  Asynchronous RFC Error Log
SM59  RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)
SM60  Borrow/Return Objects
SM63  Display/Maintain Operating Mode Sets
SM64  Release of an event
SM65  Background Processing Analysis Tool
SM66  System-wide Work Process Overview
SM67  Job scheduling
SM68  Job administration
SM69  Display/Maintain Logical Commands
SMEN  Dynamic menu
SMGW  Gateway Monitor
SMLG  Maintain Logon Group
SMLI  Language import utility
SMLT  Language transport utility
SMOD  SAP Enhancement Management
SMT1  Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.)
SMT2  Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.)
SMW0  SAP Web Repository
SMX   Display Own Jobs
SNRO  Number Range Objects
SO02  SAPoffice: Outbox
SO03  SAPoffice: Private Folders
SO04  SAPoffice: Shared Folders
SO05  SAPoffice: Private Trash
SO06  SAPoffice: Substitutionon/off
SO07  SAPoffice: Resubmission
SO10  SAPscript: Standard Texts
SO12  SAPoffice: User Master
SO13  SAPoffice: Substitute
SO15  SAPoffice: DistributionLists
SO16  SAPoffice: Profile
SO17  SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash
SO18  SAPoffice: Shared Trash
SO19  SAPoffice: Default Documents
SO21  Maintain PC Work Directory
SO22  SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files
SO23  SAPoffice: Distribution Lists
SO24  SAPoffice: Maintenance of default PC
SO28  Maintain SOGR
SO30  SAPoffice: Reorg.
SO31  Reorganization (daily)
SO36 Create Automatic Forwarding
SO38 SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths.
SO40 SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet MAIL
SO41 SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet TELEFAX
SO42 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_K
SO43 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_M
SO44 SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet TELEX
SO70 Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure
SO71 Test plan management
SO72 Maintain Hypertext Module
SO73 mport graphic into SAPfind
SO80 SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Dialog
SO81 SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test)
SO82 SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch
SO95 Pregenerated Search Queries – Selec.
SO99 Put Information System
SOA0 ArchiveLink Workflow document types
SOBJ Attribute Maintenance Objects
SOLE OLE Applications
SOLI Load OLE type info
SOPE Exclude Document Classes
SOTD SAPoffice: Maintain Object Types
SOY1 SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users
SOY2 SAPoffice: Statistics data collect.
SOY3 SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation
SOY4 SAPoffice: Access overview
SOY5 SAPoffice: Inbox overview
SOY6 SAPoffice: Document overview
SOY7 SAPoffice: Folder overview
SOY8 SAPoffice: Mass Archiving
SOY9 SAPoffice: Inbox Reorg.
SOYA SAPoffice: Change folder owner
SP00 Spool and Relate Area
SP01 Spool Control
SP02 Display output Requests
SP03 Spool: Load Formats
SP11 TemSe Contents
SP12 TemSe Administration
SPAD Spool Management
SPAM SAP Patch Manager (SPAM)
SPAU Display Modified DE Objects
SPCC Spool Consistency check
SPDD  Display Modified DDIC objects
SPHA  Telephony administration
SPIC Spool : Installation Check
SPRM Current Customizing
SPRO Customizing
SQ01 SAP Query: Maintain queries
SQ02 SAP Query: Maintain funct. areas
SQ03 SAP Query: Maintain user groups
SQ07 SAP Query: Language comparison
SQVI QuickViewer
SSAA System Administration Assistant
SSCA Appointment Diary: Administration
SSM1 Session Manager generation call
SSM5 Create Activity Group
ST01 System Trace
ST02 Setups/Tune Buffers
ST03 Performance, SAP Statistics, Workload
ST04 Select activity of the databases
ST05 SQL Trace
ST06 Operating System Monitor
ST07 Application monitor
ST08 Network Monitor
ST09 Network Alert Monitor
ST10 Table Call Statistics
ST11 Display Developer Traces
ST12 Application Monitor
ST14 Application Analysis
ST22 ABAP Runtime Error Analysis
ST22 ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis
ST62 Create industry short texts
STAT Local transaction statistics
STMS Transport Management System
STUN Performance Monitoring
STW1 Test Workbench: Test catalog
STW2 Test workbench: Test plan
STW3 Test workbench: Test package
STW4 Test Workbench: Edit test package
STW5 C maintenance table TTPLA
STZAC Maintain time zone act.in client
STZAD Disp.time zone activat.in client
SUMM Global User Manager
SU01 Maintain User
SU01D Display users
SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles
SU03 Maintain Authorizations
SU05 Maintain Internet Users
SU10 Mass changes to User Master
SU11 Maintain Authorizations
SU12 Mass Changes to User Master Records
SU2 Maintain User Parameter
SU20 Maintain Authorization Fields
SU21 Maintain Authorization Objects
SU22 Auth. object usage in transactions
SU24 Disables Authorization Checks
SU25 Imports SAP Check Indicators defaults
SU26 Adjust Authorization checks
SU30 Total checks in the area of auth.
SU52 Maintain own user parameters
SU53 Display check values
SU54 List for Session Manager
SU56 Analyze User Buffer
SUPC Profiles for activity groups
SUPF Integrated User Maintenance
SUPO  Maintain Organization Levels
SUIM Repository Info System
SWDC Workflow Definition
SXDA Data Transfer Workbench
TU02 Display Active Parameters
USMM Customer measurement
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文章名称:《SAP日常操作运维(SAP Basis)》

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